You would think that family understands when you tell them you have Multiple Sclerosis? Right? Well it is not always the case. Most people look at you and see nothing. Well I say, we can look at them and see nothing too! I would expect it from friends and people we meet on the street but not our own families. Maybe they think out of sight, don't exists.

But that is not the case with us. Out of sight ,still there! Our stress levels go even higher when we face FAMILY that does not believe us. The only people that should
accept us for
who we are and
what we are! Instead we spend time having to explain what MS is and how it is affecting us. I don't know about you but I am not spending all my energy explaining it over and over again. I would much rather spend my time
If you can't accept it , I am sorry for you. Life is to short to dwell on
your problems!
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